When Dreams Come True

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Post Written By Eugene Morgan

The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up. — Paul Valéry

Dreams can bring us hope for new possibilities. But if we want to see if those dreams are possible we must wake up and make them real in our lives. That’s the only way to find out if our dreams are possible to do while awake. We live in the here and now not in our dreams. There is no need for us to waste time in our dreams when we can use our time making our dreams come true.  Perhaps dreams are meant for sleep not while we’re awake. Let us stop dreaming and start living our lives the way we want and stop wishing our lives away while awake. Dreams come true when we do the work. The work is our opportunity for growth so why wait now when we have the time. If we hear a faint nagging voice from the back our head saying that we can do better than this, then we ought to listen to it and then do better with our lives

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