When Everything Comes Together

Summer Afternoon

Post Written By Eugene Morgan

We’re getting closer to the middle of the year, 2013. Summer will be here soon. Memorial day is just around the corner. Time seems to move quickly but when we want results time seems to move slowly. We want our efforts to pay off sooner rather than later. But we just got to be patient with ourselves and trust that what we’re doing will get us where we want to go. It is easy to give up during this stage, but if we just hang in there longer, we will see everything beginning to come together and we will be pleased and we will say to ourselves that everything we did to get here was worth all the efforts we have put into our goals.


One thought on “When Everything Comes Together

  1. Yes, hang in there. Already we have been teased with gorgeous summer weather, and it is on the way back again this weekend (here, at least).

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