You Will Know How To Live


Post Written By Eugene Morgan

As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

From our birth until now, we have gone through many experiences. Wisdom comes from our experiences. Wisdom is the end result of our experiences. Our abilities are the end result of our experiences. So if we combine both our wisdom and our abilities, then we will know how to live. However, we need to trust our wisdom and our abilities to live a decent life. Trust is relying on self to move forward even when we partially know the answers. We don’t need all the answers to things before we proceed. We will find most of the answers along the way. Doubt is the opposite of trust.  We’re unsure when we doubt ourselves. Doubts are only thoughts and are unreal. So let us allow ourselves to be entrusted with how we live our lives and not allow doubt to stop us from doing just that.

[bctt tweet=”As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe “]


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